Saturday, November 22, 2008

Holeee Craap


What a night.

I think I've ODed on volleyball.

On the up side, my photos will be published on Saturday in: The Tri-City Herald, The Spokesman Review, The Seattle Times, The Tacoma News Tribune and The Bellingham Herald.

I hope they spell my name right...

Gallery from the Kamiakin game at:

Here are my four favorites from tonight:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Graduation Galleries

One's for the 20th anniversary DARE class:

And the other is for Liz Evett, a high school senior with terminal leukemia:

Friday, November 14, 2008

I made a fan!

Somebody was so moved by my photo in today's paper, he wrote a letter to the editor:

Dear Editor:

I laughed at the Army Officer who referred to the paper as the "Tri-City Tribune", but maybe he was only forecasting something better for the area. I often refer to it as the Birdcage Liner, and Friday's paper exemplifies why I use that designation.

On Thursday evening the US Army Field Band Jazz Ambassadors played a great concert at the Kennewick High auditorium. What coverage did they get from your paper? One of the absolutely poorest pictures I've seen, in fact better pictures appear in high school publications. Did the paper provide any information on the band, or members of the band? No, instead we were treated to half a page about the search for a football coach and a full page on the woes of bordello workers in Nevada!

Congatulations (sic) on the poor showing. Once again coverage of any good things in the community in the fine arts goes by the way.

Here's the photo:

It's not a great photo, maybe not even good, but he was a bit harsh, methinks. The letter is now printed and posted on my cubicle wall.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sportsshooter Update

I finally updated my sportsshooter page.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Soccer Gallery

Here's how I capped off a long day of shooting a flooded crawl space, a WWII vet, grieving family members/a disembodied ear, and soccer:

Gallery at: