Here, Richland High School marching band members get a squirt of lemon and lime juice to keep their mouths from drying out prior to competition.
I was looking forward to this after all those Jolesch work-for-hire gigs, but ran into an overzealous field manager. I'll blog more thoroughly about it on Behind the Fold soon.
You can see a gallery of the Cavalcade of Bands at: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/galleries/gallery/339893.html

And I got to shoot cross country for the second week in a row. I didn't approach it with as much gusto as last time, mostly because of all the running I had to do in order to cover the marching band competition, but I got a few shots I liked and put together a very short gallery: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/1418/gallery/339899.html
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