Sunday, January 27, 2008

Long Time No Blog

For the thousands of you who have been waiting, here's the much-anticipated update.

I finished my first week back at the Tri-City Herald, where I am now a staff photographer. Here's my favorite shot from week one.

CUTLINE: Wanda Gilmore of Pasco sings Monday while Elouise Sparks of Kennewick plays tambourine and sings along with the song Glory Glory Hallelujah during Morningstar Baptist Church's celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Pasco, WA.

The first image is how it ran. The second is a crop suggestion from Matthew Hinton, a member of APhotoADay. I like the wider shot because it shows a little of the diversity in the day's celebration, but the cropped version does have more visual impact.

Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Dude, you fail at updates. Seriously.

PathosPhoto said...

I like the shot without the crop- more visual information and it's more interesting in the proportions. Of course I see how newspaper print would go for the tighter crop, but on the whole I prefer the uncropped shot.