Friday, April 4, 2008


It's probably pretty obvious what the whoops is about. No, not whoops because this photo sucks. See it yet?

Well, somehow I didn't notice while I was shooting it and had to rush to get my proofs printed before the daily budget meeting, so I didn't actually notice it until I had turned it in for consideration.

Maybe it was a subconsciously immature attempt to get a crude penis drawing into print.

Or maybe I just suck.


Which brings me to the second point of this post: the "green" I use to describe myself refers to my inexperience—not my earth-friendly ways. Sure, I recycle and whatnot, but I also continue to patronize restaurants that use styrofoam containers if I like the food.

I also drive the three blocks to work, but that's not out of laziness (which may be hard to believe for those of you who know me). I need my car close by in case a company car is unavailable. Why not just leave my car at the office then? Well, I guess I'm lazy...

Also, last time I took my recyclables to the bins, some astute Tri-Citian had put a sticker that read: "Recycling is for fags and communists," which really made me reconsider my pseudo green ways.

1 comment:

Meg Barankin said...


I'm sorry. It's not funny. But you know I'm an immature twit when it comes to penis drawings.